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Prior to Creating a PTP

The Web Access Management System (WAMS)

This is a user ID system managed by the State of Wisconsin. DPI uses WAMS IDs for Secure Home, which grants access to all WISE applications.  Before you can log in to Secure Home, you must have a WAMS ID. 

If you already have a WAMS ID, you may use your existing WAMS ID. If you do not already have a WAMS ID, you must create one. Follow the instructions on the Creating Your WAMS Account  (Links to an external site) page to complete account setup. Once you have created a WAMS account, you will continue to use the same username and password every time you log in through Secure Home, so it is important that you keep your account information in a safe, accessible location.

Single sign in and password

All DPI Secure Home applications allow for a single sign-on using Google, which is an alternative log in method. In order to use the single sign-on feature, you must have a district email that uses the Google domain. This district email address must be associated to your WAMS account and entered in the WISEid application email address field. Signing in via the login using the Google button will allow you to work within any application for which you have access.

Once you have acquired a WAMS ID, your unique login and password remains with you even after changing employers.  It is good practice to update your email account when necessary through the link for ‘profile management’ so that current information is in the WAMS system.

Three types of users in the online PTP application

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District Users – can create a new PTP, revise an existing PTP, and lock a PTP.

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District Super Users – can create a new PTP, revise an existing PTP, lock a PTP, unlock a locked PTP, and submit PTPs to DPI. This role can review PTPs before they are submitted to DPI.

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Director/Designee – can create a new PTP, revise an existing PTP,  lock a PTP, unlock a locked PTP, delete a PTP, submit PTPs to DPI, transfer PTPs between district schools, and complete WISEid matches.  This role can review PTPs before they are submitted to DPI.

Find out more about PTP access

The Web Access Management System (WAMS) is a user ID system managed by the State of Wisconsin. DPI uses WAMS IDs for Secure Home, which grants access to all WISE applications.  Before you can log in to Secure Home, you must have a WAMS ID.